Leigh Leigh’s Veggie Brands were created by a southern Millennial Mom on a mission. Katie believed before her daughter was born how important eating organic and all-natural foods is to a healthy diet. “My inspiration for creating Leigh Leigh’s Veggie Brands Products was out of a desire to give my daughter healthy food options. As a result, she loves the natural colors and flavors from our popular Beet, Carrot, Spinach and Kale products. Our products are a fun way for her to get all of the important vitamin and nutrients she needs.”

     Not only is eating vegetables and good food part of growing up in the south, but so is passing on family names. The company is called Leigh Leigh’s Veggie Brands after her daughter’s nickname which came from her Great Aunt Anna Leigh and her Mimi, Jennifer Leigh.

What if you could have your veggie and bread all in one? What if that veggie was organic? What if the bread was Vegan and Non-GMO with no artificial colors, dyes, flavors or preservatives? What if the bread tasted like the vegetable? What if it had the benefit of nutrients and vitamins? 

All of these questions were answered when Katie took to the kitchen with her mixer one day in early 2016. Using organic vegetables and her favorite bread recipe, she began experimenting. With the help of a small batch, local bakery to assist with the experimental process, and offering taste tests to family and friends, she realized her mission.

The bread products you enjoy today took more than a year to develop, but we think the wait was totally worth it! Beet, Carrot, Kale, and Spinach are the shining stars of our initial bakery products. Also try our Belgian-style Veggie Waffles. They are Sinful-Leigh Good!!

         “My mama always said, ‘Eat your vegetables’. You know, mama’s always right.  My mama and her family grew up in the South where fresh vegetables were always available year round.

        The joy of eating vegetables was instilled in me at a very early age. Now I can share a unique way of eating vegetables with everyone, everyday.”



Leigh Leigh’s Veggie Brands

Colorful Journey!

ur Roots